I tried searching for a simple login data check for ftp connection in my bash script. I tried using wput and grep to get the output for a progress bar. Is there a way to check the login data first? I think wput doesn't support this...
Is there anybody who could help me with a good simple solution?
You can use wget to test the connection:
wget --spider --tries=1 --user=login --password=pass ftp://your-ftp.com/
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to connect to ftp host"
Or you can use ftp command:
echo 'exit' | ftp ftp://login:pass@your-ftp.com/
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to connect to ftp host"
Note: sending/piping 'exit' command to FTP to force it exit out of interactive mode.