I was trying to set up my options menu so that there would be 2 buttons on the 1st and 2nd row and then 1 button on the 3rd row. Here is the code I was trying to use but I'm guessing groupID argument isn't what I thought it was.
menu.add(1, MENU_NAME, 1, "by Name");
menu.add(1, MENU_NUMBER, 2, "by Number");
menu.add(2, MENU_POSITION, 1, "by Position");
menu.add(2, MENU_COLLEGE, 2, "by College");
menu.add(3, MENU_UPDATE, 1, "Update Roster");
Maybe this is solved somehow with the XML Layout but I'm not really good with the layouts ;( So I managed to not get too far that way either.
I don't believe that is possible. A max of 6 items from a menu can be visible at one time, and they will always show up in a max of 2 rows. Menu groups are just a way of being able to refer to menu items collectively in code, they do not have any visual effect. See menu groups.