I'm trying to truncate a string which I'm fetching from an excel file.
The string(URL) is: ;#://abc.com/sites/abcx/000000103483/default.aspx;#000000103483;#
I need it to be: abc.com/sites/abcx/000000103483/
But the problem is abcx in the URL ranges from abcx to abcxxxx, where x is an integer.
How can I get the required result?
In PowerShell, you could split on /
s and build the string you want like this:
$string = ";#://abc.com/sites/abcx/000000103483/default.aspx;#000000103483;#"
$split = $string.Split("/")
$split[2] + "/" + $split[3] + "/" + $split[4] + "/" + $split[5] + "/"