I'm attempting to upload & deploy a jar that we receive from a vendor into Artifactory using the Java API (artifactory-java-client-services v1.1.0). My uploads don't generate maven-metadata.xml and I can't find an option to auto-generate a pom.xml. I also can't find how I would indicate that I'm uploading a bundle rather than a single file.
Currently I'm using a simple snippet of code to upload a test jar and a simple pom:
Path jarPath = Paths.get(tmpDir.toString(), "test1.jar");
RepositoryHandle repositoryHandle =
ArtifactoryClient.create(url, username, password).repository(repositoryName);
UploadableArtifact jarArtifact =
repositoryHandle.upload("com/company/play/1.0.0/test.jar", jarPath.toFile());
File responseFile = jarArtifact.upload();
I use the same process to upload the pom.xml.
Is there a way to request the maven-metadata.xml be recalculated as in the REST call shown here?
Is there any way to indicate that Artifactory needs to auto-generate a simple pom.xml on upload with the Java API?
Is there any way to indicate that the upload is a bundle?
Thanks in advance!