I want to create a custom JSP tag as follows.
<ng:template src="../js/Rule/templates/rule-list.jsp" />
Which will actually include the file "../js/Rule/templates/rule-list.jsp" inside a scripts tag and generate HTML as follows.
<script type="text/ng-template" id="../js/Rule/templates/rule-list.jsp">
Content of ../js/Rule/templates/rule-list.jsp file
So far I have creates following tagfile.
<%@ attribute name="src" required="true" rtexprvalue="true" %>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="${src}">
<%@ include file="${src}" %>
Which is giving this error
File "${src}" not found
Means its trying to include the ${src} instated of its value. Can any one suggest how to include file in tag file from specified attribute value?
Note: I am using angularjs. I want to load angularjs templates without ajax call. Because my browser is not able to load ng-template with AJAX call for cross domain call problem.
Got it. I need to use dynamic include as
<jsp:include page="${src}" />
This is working fine.