I am developing a spring web chat application using stomp and sockjs
. I uploaded the application in pivotal web services. I understand that it uses a different port i.e. 4443. Once I run the application the websocket
losts connection to undefined
The following error comes into the console: Opening Web Socket...
WebSocket connection to
'wss://homeworkpavilion.cfapps.io:4443/chat/193/dqu_2erz/websocket' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 302
POST https://homeworkpavilion.cfapps.io/chat/193/_bhfpyma/xhr_streaming 500 (Internal Server Error)
POST https://homeworkpavilion.cfapps.io/chat/193/nys00vmj/xhr 500 (Internal Server Error)
Whoops! Lost connection to undefined
Pls help, this stuff is reaaaalyy bugging me
There is no permission to redirect to different port. You can bypass this restriction by setting all origins to allowed when registering your stomp endpoints. I want to point out, that this is a very bad solution. You should take advantage of proxies, but I lack information here to help you with that.
Here is the code you might find useful:
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {