
how to load json file in meteor server side test

My Meteor Server method calls another server to retrieve data first, cache in mongo db and then respond to request. I want to test my server code using Meteor with Velocity.

For unit test, I have a json file containing sample response from the api but I do not know how could I load that file to mock as api response for server test. Since it is server test, I cannot access jquery or getJSONFixtures() from jasmine-jquery.

How can I load that json file in my server test code?

EDIT As from this answer I do not want to put my test resource files bundled as assets in /private directory


  • Thanks for the nice suggestion from @sparticus.

    This solved my problem:

    1. Put all your test resource files in ./tests directory. Mine is inside ./tests/resources/**/*
    2. For every gulp task to run test (gulp test) first copy them to private directory ./private/tests. Then your test files will be available as Assets.getText(<filename>).
    3. Make sure you also clean ./private/tests directory while you run any new tasks

    This made me sure that my test resource files are not bundled during deployment.