We have been stuck with this issue for quite some time now.In our project we are trying to parse an email that is written on to a file and get the data into the pojo. It works for most cases but when the email id is too long the mail id goes to the next line due to which the from address is not fetched instead the name is fetched.We are using commons-email-1.4.
The input file containing the emailmessage has
From: "def, abc [CCC-OT]" <abc.def@test.com> //here it fetches the mail id properly
In the case of longer mail id the file has
From: "defxacdhf, abc [CCC-OT]"
<abc.defxacdhf@test.com>// here the mail id jumps to the next line so the from address fetched contains the name
Here is the sample code
ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(FileUtils.getStreamAsByteArray(buffInStream,
// MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(mailSession, byteArrayStream);
MimeMessageParser mimeParser = new MimeMessageParser(MimeMessageUtils.createMimeMessage(mailSession,
MimeMessageParser parsedMessage = mimeParser.parse();
when we try to get the from address
In case1 it returns abc.def@test.com
and case2 it returns "defxacdhf, abc [CCC-OT]"
. Any help here is appreciated.
EDIT the script files reads and write like below.
while read line
echo "$line" >> /directory/$FILE_NAME
I don't understand why you're using a shell while loop to read the data instead of just using cat or something like that, but the problem is in your use of "read". By default, read splits the input line into fields, separated by the field separators specified by the shell IFS environment variable. Leading field separators are ignored, so when you read a line that starts with white space, the white space is ignored.
Change your loop to:
while IFS= read -r line
echo "$line" >> /directory/$FILE_NAME
That sets IFS to the empty string before each read, and specifies a "raw" read so that backslash characters aren't special.
But unless you're doing something else in that read loop, it would be much simpler to do just
cat > /directory/$FILE_NAME