How do I manually set the sprite from frame 0 to frame 1?
//Load assets
Crafty.sprite("assets/img/q.png", {
qd1 : [ 0, 0, 17, 16 ],
qd2 : [ 0, 17, 17, 16 ]
var a=Crafty.e("2D, Canvas, SpriteAnimation, qd1").attr({x : 355, y : 225});
You change the sprite used from the spritesheet via Sprite.sprite()
So in your case, to change the 1st sprite to the 2nd sprite in the second frame:
Crafty.e("2D, Canvas, qd1")
.attr({x : 355, y : 225})
.one("EnterFrame", function() {
this.sprite(0, 17, 17, 16);
Following is a snippet that demonstrates a constantly changing sprite. Notice the alternative notation for Crafty.sprite
is used, which frees your mind to think in terms of tile coordinates, rather than pixel coordinates.
// define spritesheet, each tile spans 60x60 px, 9 sprites in one row
Crafty.sprite(60, "", {
first_sprite : [ 0, 0 ]
Crafty.e("2D, Canvas, first_sprite")
.attr({x : 0, y : 0, idx : 0})
.bind("EnterFrame", function(frameData) {
if (frameData.frame % 100 === 0) // trigger roughly every 2 seconds
this.sprite(++this.idx % 9, 0); // cycle through the 9 available sprites
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