
SonarQube 5.2 issues refresh on dashboard

Did I miss something ?

On the dashboad, I can see see all issues. I click on any link in the widget and jump to the issues list. I made some changes in my code and set issues as "Resolve as fixed". enter image description here

But when I go back to the dashboad, the widget still display old counter. enter image description here

May be I have to wait a little, to get a cache updated or something like this ?



  • Figures that you get on dashboards are based on the latest analysis - because they are precomputed for efficiency of all search requests. This is mentioned on the tooltip that you will see if you put your mouse over the figures:

    enter image description here

    On the contrary, the "Issues" page shows dynamic content. So indeed, when you update some issues on that page, your changes will be reflected on your dashboards after the next analysis.