I'm looking to build an application using the Padrino Framework with Sequel as my ORM. The problem is that I need to interface with an existing database which was created using singularly named tables. Rather than renaming the SQL tables (as other applications also use this database), would I be able to have padrino use a singular name for tables (such as "Entry" instead of "Entries")?
Thanks for your time and assistance.
You can define a Sequel model on a table with a singular/arbitrary name like this:
class Entry < Sequel::Model(:entry); end
Tried this myself in Padrino with an "Entry" table (PostgreSQL) and it works:-
$ padrino c
> e = Entry.new
=> #<Entry @values={}>
> e.save
=> #<Entry @values={:id=>1}>
> Entry.count
=> 1
Inspiration from this question on the Sequel-Talk Google Group