I am trying to create a module in magento2 that would allow to add custom message to carrier or specific method. I successfully created admin section with grid and form. Now I am working on displaying this on frontend. I have created js and template file that works well if the data are in the estimate-shipping-methods result. I thought that the easiest way is to add this message to rate model. I've created a plugin
<type name="Magento\Quote\Model\ShippingMethodManagement">
<plugin name="hatimeria_shippingrateinfo_add_message_to_rates"
Which fetches messages for current rates and adds them to model. Everything works well but this data is not then outputted to json result. As I found out magento does not simply ouput all data in the model but it returns only those that are defined by ShippingMethodInterface
Then I noticed that there is something called extension_attributes and according to docs this should allow me to add my message to the result. So looking at docs and Magento_ProductVideo module I've done the following:
in etc/extension_attributes.xml
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Api/etc/extension_attributes.xsd">
<extension_attributes for="Magento\Quote\Api\Data\ShippingMethodInterface">
<attribute code="rate_info" type="Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Api\Quote\Data\ShippingMethodInterface" />
in etc/di.xml
I added preference for my interface
<preference for="Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Api\Quote\Data\ShippingMethodInterface" type="Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Model\Rate\RateInfo" />
now classess, first interface in Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Api\Quote\Data\ShippingMethodIntarface.php
namespace Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Api\Quote\Data;
use Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensibleDataInterface;
* Shipping Rate Info data interface
* @api
interface ShippingMethodInterface extends ExtensibleDataInterface
const RATEINFO = 'rate_info';
* Retrieve rate info message
* @return string
public function getRateInfo();
* Set rate info message
* @param string $rateInfo
* @return $this
public function setRateInfo($rateInfo);
and class that actually implements this in Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Model\Rate\RateInfo.php
namespace Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Model\Rate;
use Hatimeria\ShippingRateInfo\Api\Quote\Data\ShippingMethodInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractExtensibleModel;
class RateInfo extends AbstractExtensibleModel implements ShippingMethodInterface
* Retrieve rate info message
* @return string
public function getRateInfo()
return $this->getData(self::RATEINFO);
* Set rate info message
* @param string $rateInfo
* @return $this
public function setRateInfo($rateInfo)
return $this->setData(self::RATEINFO, $rateInfo);
And this is not working. When rates are generated no additional extensions are returned by rate model. Any help will be appreciated.
Try Below Steps:
bin/magento setup:di:compile
to generate ShippingMethodExtensionInterface
and a class that implements this (this is not done on each request even with disabled cache)Magento\Quote\Api\Data\ShippingMethodExtension
and add data to that object and then the entire object add to the entity with $entity->setExtensionAttributes($extensionModel)