
Trying to program breakout in Racket - unable to reset the worldstate

I've been trying to program breakout in BSL and I'm stuck currently. I'm trying to reset the game when the ball collides with the bottom, but I do not understand the error messages and tried lots of things now. Do you have any idea?

(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)

(define WIDTH 200)
(define HEIGHT 200)
(define BALL-IMG (circle 10 "solid" "red"))
(define BALL-RADIUS (/ (image-width BALL-IMG) 2))

(define-struct vel (delta-x delta-y))
; a Vel is a structure: (make-vel Number Number)
; interp. the velocity vector of a moving object

(define-struct ball (loc velocity))
; a Ball is a structure: (make-ball Posn Vel)
; interp. the position and velocity of a object 

; Posn Vel -> Posn
; applies q to p and simulates the movement in one clock tick
(check-expect (posn+vel (make-posn 5 6) (make-vel 1 2))
              (make-posn 6 8))
(define (posn+vel p q)
  (make-posn (+ (posn-x p) (vel-delta-x q))
             (+ (posn-y p) (vel-delta-y q))))

; Ball -> Ball
; computes movement of ball in one clock tick
(check-expect (move-ball (make-ball (make-posn 20 30)
                                    (make-vel 5 10)))
              (make-ball (make-posn 25 40)
                         (make-vel 5 10)))
(define (move-ball ball)
  (make-ball (posn+vel (ball-loc ball)
                       (ball-velocity ball))
             (ball-velocity ball)))

; A Collision is either
; - "top"
; - "down"
; - "left"
; - "right"
; - "none"
; interp. the location where a ball collides with a wall

; Posn -> Collision
; detects with which of the walls (if any) the ball collides
(check-expect (collision (make-posn 0 12))  "left")
(check-expect (collision (make-posn 15 HEIGHT)) "down")
(check-expect (collision (make-posn WIDTH 12))  "right")
(check-expect (collision (make-posn 15 0)) "top")
(check-expect (collision (make-posn 55 55)) "none")
(define (collision posn)
    [(<= (posn-x posn) BALL-RADIUS) "left"]
    [(<= (posn-y posn) BALL-RADIUS)  "top"]
    [(>= (posn-x posn) (- WIDTH BALL-RADIUS)) "right"]
    [(>= (posn-y posn) (- HEIGHT BALL-RADIUS)) "down"]
    [else "none"]))

; Vel Collision -> Vel  
; computes the velocity of an object after a collision
(check-expect (bounce (make-vel 3 4) "left")
              (make-vel -3 4))
(check-expect (bounce (make-vel 3 4) "top")
              (make-vel 3 -4))
(check-expect (bounce (make-vel 3 4) "none")
              (make-vel 3 4))
(define (bounce vel collision)
  (cond [(or (string=? collision "left")
             (string=? collision "right"))
         (make-vel (- (vel-delta-x vel))
                   (vel-delta-y vel))]
        [(string=? collision "top")
         (make-vel (vel-delta-x vel)
                   (- (vel-delta-y vel)))]
        [(string=? collision "down")  (tick (render INITIAL-BALL))]
        [else vel]))

; WorldState is a Ball

; WorldState -> Image
; renders ball at its position
(check-expect (image? (render INITIAL-BALL)) #true)
(define (render ball)
  (place-image BALL-IMG
               (posn-x (ball-loc ball))
               (posn-y (ball-loc ball))
               (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))

; WorldState -> WorldState
; moves ball to its next location
(check-expect (tick (make-ball (make-posn 20 12) (make-vel 1 2)))
              (make-ball (make-posn 21 14) (make-vel 1 2)))
(define (tick ball)
  (move-ball (make-ball (ball-loc ball)
                        (bounce (ball-velocity ball)
                                (collision (ball-loc ball))))))

(define INITIAL-BALL (make-ball (make-posn 20 12)
                                (make-vel 1 2)))

 ; start with: (main INITIAL-BALL)
(define (main ws)
  (big-bang ws (on-tick tick 0.01) (to-draw render)))


  • In your bounce function, change your string=? collision down branch to return

    (make-vel (vel-delta-x vel) (- (vel-deltay vel))). Right now it's returning an image, which your tick function has no idea how to handle. Cheers!