
AutoHotKey, Foxit, PHP

I'm trying to print same PDF lables that are generated with PHP and Mysql.

The creation of the PDF file is done and working. I save the pdf on a temp folder. and then i run this Autohotkey script:

SetTimer, PrintMon, 5000 ;every 5 seconds return
IfExist C:\rolls\temp\*.pdf
   runwait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe" /p "C:\rolls\temp\%A_LoopFileName%",,min 
FileDelete, C:\rolls\temp\*.pdf
Process, Close, foxitreader.exe

I need to close the Foxit program before i can generate and print another PDF file.

I've tried "Process, Close, foxitreader.exe" And "Winclose, Start - Foxit Reader",

but still no luck.

Hope someone can help me on this one,



  • Found a way to keep working, even with foxit open.

    On Foxit goto file ->preferences->general and disable everything. On autohotkey script Change

    runwait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe" /p "C:\rolls\temp\%A_LoopFileName%",,min


    runwait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe" /p "C:\rolls\temp\%A_LoopFileName%",,hide

    and Remove the

    Process, Close, foxitreader.exe

    Final Code:

    SetTimer, PrintMon, 5000 ;every 5 seconds return
    IfExist C:\rolls\temp\*.pdf
    runwait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe" /p "C:\rolls\temp\%A_LoopFileName%",,hide
    FileDelete, C:\rolls\temp\*.pdf

    And there you have a way to auto print from PHP using AutoHotKey and Foxit Reader

    Update: New version on Foxit as a problem with the silent print. Use version 6.23 for now.

    Foxit Reader 6.23