
Invoke `racket` in a Racket script

General question:

Can I invoke the current racket executable from within a running Racket script?

Basically, I'd like a replacement for (system "racket ...") in the case that (find-executable-path "racket") does not return a path to the Racket executable I'm currently using.


What I really want is to try compiling a few expressions and assert that they raise compilation errors. This is for unit testing.


  • I don't believe you need to step outside of the executable here. Try this:

    #lang racket
    (require syntax/modread)
    ;; define a namespace anchor to attach a namespace to:
    (define-namespace-anchor anchor)
    ;; define a namespace for expansion:
    (define target-namespace (namespace-anchor->namespace anchor))
    (define program-to-compile
      "#lang racket
    (+ 3 4)")
    ;; go ahead and expand
       (parameterize ([current-namespace target-namespace])
         (open-input-string program-to-compile))))))

    I think I'm correct when I say that Racket is singularly clean in its ability to provide the compiler to running programs in a disciplined way.