
How to tell an IP address with 4 LEDs?

I am developing a net-managed device with the .NET Micro Framework. Since the idea is to have a bunch of devices in an office, sometimes it is necessary for the user to know the IP address of a specific device.

So I've been trying to come with ideas on how to indicate the IP address the user. The only user interface is 4 LED lights that I can blink on and off at varying speeds.

So far, the best idea I could come up with is this: seeing how the IP address has 4 parts and I have 4 LEDs, it would make sense that each LED be responsible for a single IP address part. So for address like, I'd have LED1 blink once, then pause, then blink 9 times, pause, then blink 2 times. The action would then shift to the LED2, which would blink out 168 in a similar manner and so on. Number 0 would be indicated by blinking really fast for half a second.

Any other ideas?


  • Use all 4 displays at once for each number, showing it in binary. Blink all 4 really fast for a 0, light all 4 longer to denote a point.

    [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] # 1
    [x] [ ] [ ] [x] # 9
    [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] # 2
    [x] [x] [x] [x] # . (long)
    [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] # 1
    [ ] [x] [x] [ ] # 6
    [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] # 8
    [x] [x] [x] [x] # . (long)
    [x] [x] [x] [x] # 0 (short)

    Alternatively you can use an un-used number (ie: 10) to denote 0

    [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] # 1
    [x] [ ] [ ] [x] # 9
    [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] # 2
    [x] [x] [x] [x] # . 
    [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] # 1
    [ ] [x] [x] [ ] # 6
    [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] # 8
    [x] [x] [x] [x] # . 
    [x] [ ] [x] [ ] # 0 

    Having a lookup table ready by the device should be enough for those who don't know binary.