I'm trying to get the arguments declared in ProjectName.cpp file (the file of the application) wich contains the following autogenerated code:
extern "C" int FMXmain()
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfrmPrincipal), &frmPrincipal);
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfrmCarregar), &frmCarregar);
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfrmCodigo), &frmCodigo);
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfrmConfig), &frmConfig);
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfrmImgConf), &frmImgConf);
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfrmSobre), &frmSobre);
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfrmTradutor), &frmTradutor);
catch (Exception &exception)
catch (...)
throw Exception("");
catch (Exception &exception)
return 0;
I just would like to get the arguments when the application is launched, so i've tried to change the declaration of the function to:
extern "C" int FMXmain(String argv)
extern "C" int FMXmain(wchar_t* argv[]) // as I may need wide char support (TCHAR doesn't seems to be useful in this case)
or (the default)
extern "C" int FMXmain(char* argv[])
The only doubt I have is how to pass the value I get to the main form. Should I pass it after creation or after the application is already running? How do I do it?
OBS: Main form: frmPrincipal
If I'm making something wrong, please tell me. PS.: I'm just trying to get the file path after double click on it (I've already gotten the function wich will link my application to the registry)
References that helped me a little bit:
WIKI Double Click on Your File(extension) & open it with your EXE(application) Opening c++ program by double clicking associated file. How do I get the file name?
Since now, Thank you A LOT.
You can use System::ParamCount() and System::ParamStr() to retrieve the command line arguments from anywhere (including FMXMain()
, without modifying it). Here's an example using it from a form's OnShow
event handler to populate a TMemo control, for instance:
void __fastcall TForm1::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
for(int i = 0; i < System::ParamCount(); ++i)
is always the fully-qualified executable name of the application itself.
You can test it by using the Run->Parameters menu item in the IDE. Add some values as parameters and run the application.