
Expression engine showing garbage content while using PHP

Expressionengine is showing garbage value when I am using php for Json encode its showing this content {!-- ra:0000000019930c5000007efd6bf7e0f5 --}

here is my code :-


$entries = array();
{exp:channel:entries channel="sport" category="3536|1830|4102" site="default_site" limit="3"  track_views="one" dynamic="no" status="open|featured" disable="categories|category_fields|pagination|member_data" terminate="yes"}
   $entries[] = array('title' => '{title}');

header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($entries);


  • Yeah ! finally I got the answer its so simple here is the solution :-

    go to ExpressionEngine\system\EllisLab\ExpressionEngine\Library\Template\Annotation\Runtime.php

    on line no. 65 comment the code return '{!-- ra:'.$key.' --}';