
Java Doclet API change for jdk 8

I am a newbie to Java. I was trying to upgrade to jdk 1.8 and found the following errors on doing a "gradle test":

/u01/sv/home/sv900t1/sv_test/Test_Suites/SeleniumLibraries/src/main/java/com/csgi/svtest/selenium/ error: cannot find symbol
        h2("Class "+classDoc.toString());
  symbol:   method h2(String)
  location: class CustomWriter
/u01/sv/home/sv900t1/sv_test/Test_Suites/SeleniumLibraries/src/main/java/com/csgi/svtest/selenium/ error: cannot find symbol
        printHyperLink(classDoc.toString()+".html","","Class description<br>",true);
  symbol:   method printHyperLink(String,String,String,boolean)
  location: class CustomWriter

I referred to


(our code imports this: import;)

and found that many apis like h2(), printHyperLink(), hr(), table(), tableHeaderStart(), tableHeaderEnd(), tableEnd(), pre(), strong(), preEnd(), ul(), print(), li(), ulEnd(), printHtmlHeader(), center(), today(), printTop(), navLinks(), printBottom() and printBodyHtmlEnd() have been removed.

Is there a quick workaround that can enable us to bypass the symbol errors? Or should we replace the missing apis with existing ones. This looks like a lot of work to me - being an entrant. Are there any existing examples on how to do that? I have searched the internet a lot, but could not find anything useful.

The code in is for outputting a Javadoc page using custom System Test tags. Any help is appreciated - we are short on time.


  • Well here's the problem. The classes in the* packages should be treated as internal APIs. There are clear warnings in the Java documentation that say that you should not write code that against these APIs.

    For example:

    In Java 8, the header of the class that your code is trying to use says:

    This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

    (The bolding is in the original!)

    It didn't say that in Java 7 (ouch!) Indeed there are versions of the Javadoc FAQ which seem to encourage people reuse the standard doclet classes. Unfortunately, Oracle have decided to close off these classes, and have also made some breaking API changes which reinforces this, whether or not that was the intention of the changes

    What can you do about it? Unfortunately, there is no easy solution:

    UPDATE - It has been pointed out that the "rule" above is for sun.* packages. However:

    Conclusion, even if there is no explicit statement that com.sun.* packages are internal, Oracle is >>now<< treating them as internal when it suits them. In some cases, retrospectively.