
Rename/organize images based on EXIF creation date using imagemagick

I'm looking for a command line solution to rename, organize digital photos into directories, using creation date from EXIF info.

DCIM/**/*.[JPG|CR2] > /path/to/gallery/[YYYY-MM-DD]/[YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-C].[EXT]

I had a working solution using exiftool/imagemagick but it was lost due HDD crash.

I prefer a cross-platform solution - windows laptop and unix based NAS.


  • This exiftool command should do what you want (test it out first, of course)
    exiftool -ext jpg -ext cr2 '-filename<CreateDate' -d '/path/to/gallery/%Y-%m-%d/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%%-c.%%e' /Dir/To/Process

    I'm assuming that you meant cr2, not rc2.
    This command is for a linux/mac system, change the single quotes to double quotes for a Windows system.