
Xades multiple signatures

Hi everyone and thanks in advance for the help.

My goal is to let two or more different persons to deal with a document incrementally:

How can I do it? According to the standard, XAdES specific xml elements (such as the ID of the certificate used to sign) are all inside the <object> element (in signed properties sub-element), which in my opinion implies that only one person can sign the object (i.e. the document) at a time without having to overwrite the signature data.

Am I wrong? Someone can help me undestanding if there's a way i did not considered?




  • My 2 cents...

    This looks a case to use counter signatures.

    You have some research to do...

    Link to an example of a counter signature from xades4j: https://github.com/luisgoncalves/xades4j/blob/master/src/test/xml/document.signed.bes.cs.xml


    See the xades spec: ETSI TS 101 903 V1.4.2 (2010-12) http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts%5C101900_101999%5C101903%5C01.04.02_60%5Cts_101903v010402p.pdf See Chapter 7.2.4 and Annex C.

    Answer 1) I would say yes, as the spec says: "Applications MAY add other ds:Reference elements referencing the ds:SignatureValue elements of previously existent CounterSignature elements. This allows for building arbitrarily long chains of explicit countersignatures."

    Answer 2) Well, I suppose it is your decision... about countersignatures, they say: "The only purpose of this definition is to serve as an easy identification of a signature as actually being a countersignature." So, if you decide that it is easier (add the reasons that make sense to you here...) to do that as a signatures and not as countersignatures, you can.