
WPF PRISM 6 DelegateComand ObservesCanExecute

Thanks in advance!

How should I use ObservesCanExecute in the DelegateCommand of PRISM 6?

public partial class  UserAccountsViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged
    public DelegateCommand InsertCommand { get; private set; }
    public DelegateCommand UpdateCommand { get; private set; }
    public DelegateCommand DeleteCommand { get; private set; }

    public UserAccount SelectedUserAccount
            //notify property changed stuff

    public UserAccountsViewModel()

    private void InitCommands()
        InsertCommand = new DelegateCommand(Insert, CanInsert);  
        UpdateCommand = new DelegateCommand(Update,CanUpdate).ObservesCanExecute(); // ???
        DeleteCommand = new DelegateCommand(Delete,CanDelete);


    private void Update()

    private bool CanUpdate()
        return SelectedUserAccount != null;


Unfortunatelly, I'm not familiar with expressions in c#. Also, I thought this would be helpful to others.


  • ObservesCanExecute() works “mostly like” the canExecuteMethod parameter of DelegateCommand(Action executeMethod, Func<bool> canExecuteMethod).

    However, if you have a boolean property instead of a method, you don't need to define a canExecuteMethod with ObservesCanExecute.

    In your example, suppose that CanUpdate is not a method, just suppose that it's a boolean property.

    Then you can change the code to ObservesCanExecute(() => CanUpdate) and the DelegateCommand will execute only if the CanUpdate boolean property evaluates to true (no need to define a method).

    ObservesCanExecute is like a “shortcut” over a property instead of having to define a method and having passing it to the canExecuteMethod parameter of the DelegateCommand constructor.