
netlogo - Randomly select a neighbour patch that has a higher elevation, any? command

I've been tasked with a question of "randomly selecting a neighbour patch that has a higher elevation." My code is found below.

I believe I am required to use the "any?" command to prevent getting the 'nobody' issue.

to move-up
let myelevPatch [elevation] of patch-here
let higherpatches neighbors with [elevation > myelevPatch] 
move-to one-of higherpatches

I can't seem to get around this problem, if you could help me get around it, it is very much appreciated


  • Your code seems to be right other than the nobody case. Any? consumes a agentset. neighbors with returns an agentset.

    to move-up
        let myelev [elevation] of patch-here
        let higherpatches neighbors with [elevation > myelev] 
        if any? higherpatches
        [move-to one-of higherpatches]

    Note the following is equivalent:

    if count higherpatches > 0