I create my own Switcher jQuery, and I want to remove class when click on another color, for example : I have "blue" class on body tag and when someone click on red should remove the blue class and replace it with red class etc..
Code :
$("body").addClass("wide light blue");
// Switcher jQuery Plugin
$(".switcher-toggle").click(function() {
// Theme Layout Switch
$(".layout").change(function() {
var layout = $(".layout").val();
// Theme Skins Switch
$(".skins").change(function() {
var skin = $(".skins").val();
// Theme Colors Switch
$(".colors span").each(function() {
var data_color = $(this).attr("data-color");
$(this).click(function() {
Firstly, note that the each()
loop is redundant as you can access the data-color
attribute directly within the click handler.
Secondly, to achieve what you require you can provide a space-delimited list of all the classes to be removed using removeClass
before adding the new class with addClass
. Try this:
$(".colors span").click(function() {
.removeClass('blue red green orange carrot violet pink gold')
However this may become a little difficult to maintain if colours are added or removed. A better pattern would be to call a single function to set the classes on the body
element whenever an option is chosen or a colour is clicked. Try this:
$(".skins, .layout").change(applyClasses);
$(".colors span").click(function() {
function applyClasses() {
var classes = [
$(".colors span.active").data('color')
$('body').removeClass().addClass(classes.join(' '));
applyClasses(); // on load