I'm currently trying to have drives be automatically mounted when I'm connected to my network. Only problem is that when I'm not connected to my network an error shows, while connected to the network no errors show. How would I disable this?
Here's my current script:
tell application "Finder"
mount volume "smb://(IP)/(Drive)" as user name "(user)"
end tell
This is a simple handler to check the network connection. It works with both Ethernet and WiFi connections.
Adjust the values in the first two lines if necessary.
property primaryEthernetDevice : "en0"
property primaryWiFiDevice : "en2"
property myIPAddress : ""
property mySSID : "mySSID"
set {isConnected, IPAddress, ssid} to checkConnection()
if isConnected and ssid is mySSID then
mount volume "smb://(IP)/(Drive)" as user name "(user)"
end if
on checkConnection()
set wiredIP to do shell script "/sbin/ifconfig " & primaryEthernetDevice & " | /usr/bin/awk '/inet / {print $2}'"
if wiredIP is not "" then return {true, wiredIP, ""}
set wirelessIP to do shell script "/sbin/ifconfig " & primaryWiFiDevice & " | /usr/bin/awk '/inet / {print $2}'"
if wirelessIP is not "" then
set ssid to do shell script "/usr/sbin/networksetup -getairportnetwork " & primaryWiFiDevice & " | sed 's/Current Wi-Fi Network: //g'"
return {true, wirelessIP, ssid}
return {false, "", ""}
end if
end checkConnection