
Auto-Pairing in LightTable

I have set up auto-pairing for Light Table for the characters "({[ and their counterparts (Important Note: I using the german keyboard layout). This is was done by adding [:app :lt.objs.settings/pair-keymap-diffs] to my user behaviors (does the trick for ") and

[:editor "alt-[" ( "[")]
[:editor "alt-{" ( "{")]
[:editor "alt-]" (:editor.close-pair "]")]
[:editor "alt-}" (:editor.close-pair "}")]

to my user keymaps. When I now type a {, into the editor a [] is inserted. How do I set it up properly? Thanks in advance.


  • The correct answer could be found in this github issue. I removed the above code from my keymaps and instead added the following code to my behaviors:

    ;; Normal brackets autoclose
    [:app :lt.objs.editor/load-addon ["edit/closebrackets.js"]]
    [:editor :lt.objs.editor/set-codemirror-flags {:autoCloseBrackets true}]

    You might have to remove the lighttable autoclose plugin:

    [:editor :-lt.objs.settings/pair-keymap-diffs]