
Maven build cannot find symbol when accessing project lombok annotated methods,

I'm using project lombok for the first time and I have problems compiling the project via maven when I run the build I receive errors where methods annotated with project lombok annotations are called.

This is the annotated parameter:

    private @Getter @Setter String paymentNonce = null;

and in this line for example the maven breaks the build:

if (!StringUtilities.isNullOrEmpty(getPaymentNonce())) {

this is my maven dependency


the maven error:

[INFO] Compiling 158 source files to C:\java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\target\classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\[94,38] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\[97,106] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\[142,2] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\[27,6] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\[32,75] error: cannot find symbol

I'm using java 8


  • I have downgraded the lombok to 1.14.8 this version works with maven build, I havent found why the 1.16 verson is not working :(