
iTunes directory media item returned in unknown format

I wrote the following function that reads through the list of media items in my iTunes directory and returns the music files. I need to return the "song titles" but when I run it the items returned are in an unknown format. I am pretty sure I need to run them through a property filter or use some conversion to get the actual names correctly. At the end I want to output the contents in an array of Strings. I only run the loop four times in the screen shot attached. Can anyone point me to a missing conversion? It looks like the output is in hex format but not clear on that.

      class func readMusicFiles() -> NSMutableArray {
    //var songDecoded:[NSMutableArray]
    let result = NSMutableArray()
    let allSongsQuery:MPMediaQuery = MPMediaQuery.songsQuery();
    let tempArray:NSArray = allSongsQuery.items!;
    for item:AnyObject in tempArray {
        if (item is MPMediaItem) {
            let temp = item as! MPMediaItem;
            if (temp.mediaType != MPMediaType.Music) {
       return result


The output looks like this

enter image description here


  • The "hex" is not a "format"; it's merely an indication of the memory address of the object. Ignore it.

    You've got your media items (songs in this case). Now, instead of saying print(result), ask for their titles:

    for song in result {

    Or, to make a new array:

    let titles = {$0.title}

    (Also, do not declare your function to return an NSMutableArray. That's a Cocoa thing. Try to stick to Swift arrays. For example, if you are going to end up with an array of titles, those are strings, so return a [String].)