I am using Sqlite3 with Flask microframework, but this question concerns only the Sqlite side of things..
Here is a snippet of the code:
g.db.execute('INSERT INTO downloads (name, owner, mimetype) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', [name, owner, mimetype])
file_entry = query_db('SELECT last_insert_rowid()')
The downloads
table has another column with the following attributes: id integer primary key autoincrement,
If two people write at the same time the code above could produce errors.
Transactions can be messy. In Sqlite is there a neat built in way of returning the primary key generated after doing an INSERT ?
The way you're doing it is valid. There won't be a problem if the above snipped is executed concurrently by two scripts. last_insert_rowid()
returns the rowid of the latest INSERT statement for the connection that calls it. You can also get the rowid by doing g.db.lastrowid