I have two functions:
f :: a -> Maybe a
g :: a -> a
I want to create such function:
h :: a -> Maybe a
h x
| isJust(f x) = Just (g $ fromJust(f x))
| otherwise = Nothing
How can I do it in more elegant way?
Since you've tagged this question with dot-operator:
h :: a -> Maybe a
h = fmap g . f
For an explanation:
f :: a -> Maybe a
g :: a -> a
fmap g :: Maybe a -> Maybe a
(.) :: (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Maybe a)
(.) (fmap g) :: (a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Maybe a)
fmap g . f :: (a -> Maybe a)
h :: a -> Maybe a
Note that (.)
's and fmap g
's types are actually more general:
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
-- b in this case is Maybe a
-- c in this case is Maybe a
fmap g :: Functor f => f a -> f a
-- f in this case is Maybe
However, you could also pattern match on the result of f
h x =
case f x of
Just k -> Just (g k)
_ -> Nothing
Note that your original example wouldn't even compile, since g
's return type isn't correct.