I'm trying to copy a jar built by maven to a directory in a remote host, not a repository. I tried user1050755 answer here Using Maven for deployment which uses the maven-antrun-plugin and also I've tried the wagon-ssh plugin. Below is the hopefully relevant excerpt from my pom.xml
<scp todir="root@spade:/opt/xd/custom-modules/processor"
<fileset dir="target">
For both plugins I get the same error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project xml-to-json-transformer: Deployment failed: repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element or in -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::layout::url parameter -> [Help 1]
But I don't want to deploy to a repository, I thought the antrun-plugin would just let me copy a file to a remote host with no restrictions, what am I missing?
I ended up using the maven-antrun-plugin but used integration-test for the phase. The maven command I used was mvn package integration-test
. I also used the trust="true" attribute because I couldn't get rid of a jsch exception com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: UnknownHostKey:
. I posted a question about that here JSch: UnknownHostKey exception even when the hostkey fingerprint is present in the known_hosts file
<scp todir="vagrant@localhost:~/maven-scp"
port="2200" trust="true" keyfile="C:\keys\openSSH_pair1\open_ssh_private"
failonerror="false" verbose="true" passphrase="pass">
<fileset dir="target">
<include name="xml-to-json-transformer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" />