I'm wondering how to detect in JavaScript, whether or not IndexedDB is available and enabled.
I'm currently doing a test along these lines:
if (window.indexedDB) {
if ((using_chrome && browserVersion >= 24)
|| (usingFirefox && browserVersion >= 16)
|| (usingIe && browserVersion >= 10)
|| (usingEdge && browserVersion >= 12)
|| (usingSafari && browserVersion >= 9)) {
accessible = true;
But I would much prefer to use feature detection than relying on version numbers.
Assuming that feature detection for testing IndexedDB is efficient, does anyone know of a good way to test this on page load?
You can check it using Modernizr:
if (Modernizr.indexeddb) {
console.log("IndexedDB is supported.");
} else {
console.log("IndexedDB is not supprorted.");
Note that almost all modern browser support IndexedDB now (see caniuse.com).