
Use href infobox as actionbutton

I was building an App with Rshiny.

I have a couple of infoBoxand I would like to use the href option to make a pop-up when clicking on the infoBox.

I use shinyBS for the popup options. here is what i tried :

valueBox(value=entry_01, icon = icon("users","fa-lg",lib="font-awesome"),href=shinyInput(actionLink,id='button_01',len=1,class="btn btn-default action-button",label=""),
        width=NULL,color = "light-blue",subtitle = ""

But I figured out that the href option work perfectly if we want to link on an external web site like href = "" but I didn't know how to link in an internal link of the app.


I make this edit because i found a solution which make the box clickable and make shiny think it was an action button, by adding two variable inside the valueBox output list.
- the class action-button
- The id which allow us to use observe or observeEvent to detect when the valuebox is clicked.

Here is a reproductible example


header <- dashboardHeader(title="ReproductibleExample")
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(disable=T)
body <- dashboardBody(valueBoxOutput("box_01"),

ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body)

server<-shinyServer(function(input, output,session) {

  output$box_01 <- renderValueBox({
                 ,icon = icon("users",lib="font-awesome")
                 ,color = "blue"
                 ,subtitle=HTML("<b>Test click on valueBox</b>")




  • I decided to change the method. I have now include an actionbutton (or actionLink) inside the substile element of the value box and create a bsModal element linked to this actionButton.
    If you are not familiar with the ShinyBS package it allow to make popover, tooltip etc features without including HTML or java.

    I follow the @Mikko Martila advice Shiny: adding addPopover to actionLink and here is a reproductile example to show you my issue :

    header <- dashboardHeader(title = "reporductible example")
    body <- dashboardBody(valueBoxOutput("box_01"),
                          bsModal("modal", "foo", trigger = "", "bar"))
    sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
    ui <- dashboardPage(header,sidebar,body,skin="green")
    server = function(input, output, session) {
      # ----- First info box synthesis menu
      output$box_01 <- renderValueBox({
        entry_01 <- "BlaBla"
        valueBox(value=entry_01, icon = icon("users",lib="font-awesome"),
                        width=NULL,color = "blue",subtitle = HTML("<b>my substitle</b> <button id=\"button\" type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default action-button\">Show modal</button>")
      observeEvent(input$button, {
        toggleModal(session, "modal", "open")
    runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))

    I use the HTML() option to add my button inside the subtitle of value boxes.

    It's not really what i wanted but it do the work.

    You can do it with actionLink (it's look better) by using subtitle like this :

    subtitle=HTML("<b>my subtitle</b><a id=\"button_box_05\" href=\"#\" class=\"action-button\">
         <i class=\"fa fa-question-circle\"></i>