I have a container with shared_ptr<>
, e.g. a vector<shared_ptr<string>>
and I'd like to iterate over v
indicating const-ness.
This code:
vector<shared_ptr<string>> v;
for (const auto &s : v) {
*s += "."; // <<== should be invalid
looks like what I want to do (indicating that s
is const
) but of course it does not make the string const
Is there an elegant way to iterate over a container of shared_ptr
which makes clear that the content won't be modified?
Something like
for (shared_ptr<const string> s : v) {
*s += "."; // <<== will not compile
(but this code would not compile for other reasons :))
I made a mistake. Originally I was declaring a reference, which results in a compiler error
for (shared_ptr<const string> &s : v) { // <<== does not compile
If you declare a shared_ptr<const string>
the example works. In my eyes this is a good trade-off but this way the pointer gets copied which can be time consuming in loops with little code and big containers..
This is a well-known limitation of C++ that some don't consider to be a limitation.
You want to iterate const
ly, but an immutable pointer doesn't imply an immutable pointee.
The type shared_ptr<string>
and the type shared_ptr<const string>
are effectively unrelated.
for (const auto& ptr : v) {
const auto& s = *ptr;
s += "."; // <<== is invalid
Just don't modify it.