
Why does SignTool return a file not found error?

I am trying to sign an application with my new code signing key, but SignTool keeps giving me a File not Found: C:\Users\Eaton

Why? The paths are all correct. When I put the key in the same dir and just put CodeSigningKey.pfx without the path, it works fine, but I don't want to do that, I want it to be in that specified path.

Here is my command, the /f param being the problem:

signtool sign /f C:\Users\Eaton\Desktop\Other Things\CodeSigningKey.pfx /p dsdsds /t app.exe

What am I doing wrong there?


  • The path to the cert file contains a space and since you have not put it in quotes, the command line arguments parsing treats it as a two separate arguments.

    Try this one instead:

    signtool sign /f "C:\Users\Eaton\Desktop\Other Things\CodeSigningKey.pfx" /p dsdsds /t app.exe