
Looking for Handwriting OCR Android libraries

I´m looking for some useful API or libraries for handwriting recognition in Android. I want to integrate it in my app but I don´t find anything. I saw in other post that it´s possible using Tesseract(but this work better for OCR image text recognition).

Also I found this API , but it doesn't work fine. Anyone of the demos that they provide work correctly in the phone. It crash when I write a lot or just tab the screen. I tried to follow their tutorials to integrate it in a single app with a single Widget and it doesn't work.

Someone knows some way to integrate handwriting recognition? It´s just for a simple view where I want to write something in the screen throught Handwriting and put the text in a EditText.


  • there are quite a few options out there.

    The following Stack post answers your question.

    You can also have a look at PhatWare and Lipi Toolkit