I need to make a script for ACIS files manipulation, for example:
I have 1 SAT file exported from a CAD software with a 3D Model, and i want to create a script in some language (php, python, etc.. even .BAT if it works) that opens the SAT file delete all the components inside my 3D model. I just want the outside of the 3D model.
There is some way to do this? becuase i look to the SAT file and it's an ammount of text lines, maybe with a RFC and some tricky tools i can do this..
Any ideia?
Best Regards, Pedro Vieira
Pedro, SAT is the proprietary format of the ACIS solid modeling kernel which is provided by Spatial Corp.
It is a commercial 3D geometry modeling toolkit.
I do not believe you'll find a reliable way of doing what you're asking without licensing the toolkit.
Full disclosure- I work for Spatial.
If you can export a STEP file, it is an open format which is documented and quite reliable. Wikipedia has an article on STEP here.