
Exoplayer playing m3u8 files Android

After trying multiple ways of playing m3u8 files using videoview and mediaplayer I decided to give up. Everytime i play the m3u8 file I only hear the voice.(please dont write urls from stack overflow answering my question. I' ve red them all ) Been asking around ,finally got to know that exoplayer maybe is the one I'm looking for. However exoplayer seems to be a newbie and I can'n find any proper tutorial. That been said Im myself a newbie and all talks about tracker and blabla seem just too complicated for me. I only want to be able to open all my m3u8 files from different urls in my app without passing them to vlc or any external intents.

For the record I use KitKat and above. So exoplayer should be implementable.

So what Im desperatly asking for is a simple tutorial in how I can play my m3u8 files using exoplayer or anyother way that shows the video and play the audio and NOT just one of them. Please dont link me to the exoplayer page on google dev. Ive been there too.

Thanks in advance :)


  • On Android 4.1+, you can use this library . The example mentioned on the Read-me page should be sufficient to get you started. I have reproduced that code snippet with a few additions/modifications.

                private void setupVideoView() {
                    EMVideoView emVideoView = (EMVideoView)findViewById(;
                    //Enter your m3u8 URL below
                public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) {
                    //Starts the video playback as soon as it is ready
                public void onPause() {
                    //Pause Video Playback