How can I trigger a scaffold generation from a view?
For example, let's say I have a method like this:
def scaffold_generation
system "rails g scaffold TodoList task author"
How can I make a button on my "example_page.html.erb" trigger this method to execute the command on the server? (No worries about security here)
1: Create a form using Form Tag
<%= form_tag('/create_scaffold') do -%>
<div><%= submit_tag 'Create Scaffold' %></div>
<% end %>
2: Write a routes to match the incoming request.
match '/create_scaffold', to: 'examples#scaffold_generation', via: :all
class ExamplesController < ApplicationController
def scaffold_generation
system "rails g scaffold TodoList task author"
system "rake db:migrate" #=> use this so that, it won't throw any errors.
render :text => "Whoa !!! Done"