Is there a way to determine, at runtime, if a PHP file is running as part of a phar
i.e., a native implementation might look something like this
function isRunningAsPhar()
$first_include = get_included_files()[0];
return strpos($first_include, '.phar') !== false;
However, this might not work if the user has renamed the phar to have a different file extension, or symlinked the phar to remove the file extension.
You could use the function Phar::running();
That gives you a path for the executed phar archive. If the path is set then its an archive.
Example from manual:
$a = Phar::running(); // $a is "phar:///path/to/my.phar"
$b = Phar::running(false); // $b is "/path/to/my.phar"