
How can I try Google Places API from my browser?

So I would like to try the API Google Places before put it in my code... wanna check out first if that is what I need.,151.1957362&radius=500&types=food&name=cruise&key=AddYourOwnKeyHere

So this is the link which im trying to test about, I am using my own key that I created from the console. I follow all the stepes but still im getting the error 'REQUEST_DENIED'.

Steps: -Create my project. -Select the Google Places Web Service Api and enabled it. -Go to credentials, new API Key -Browser key type -And got it.

Any clues?


  • Use a server key for the web service, as stated in the documentation:

    Get a key for Google Places API Web Service

    1. Go to the Google Developers Console.
    2. Create or select a project.
    3. Click Continue to Enable the API.
    4. Go to Credentials to get a Server key (and set the API credentials).
    5. To prevent quota theft, secure your API key following these best practices.