In the code below, it looks like all the <br/>
tags are getting ignored by CSS counters. What's the reason for this?
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
counter-reset: ele;
*::after {
counter-increment: ele;
content: "element count " counter(ele);
<h1> h1 </h1>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<p><b> b </b> p</p>
Also, what are elements 7 and 8 representing?
Explanation of the problem(s)
It looks like all the
tags getting ignored by CSS counters. The reason is?
tags, like other 'empty' elements, do support counters, but unfortunately, they don't have an ::after
pseudo-element. Just like for instance <input>
elements, you cannot pull this trick to generate content through CSS. Since incrementing the counter happens in this ::after
pseudo-element in your snippet, the counter is not incremented for <br>
element because br::after
simply doesn't exist.
In the above snippet, what are elements 7 and 8 representing?"
The BODY and HTML tags. Since you use ::after
, the counter is incremented and the content inserted at the end of those elements, after the other page content.
Half fix: Count the elements instead of the pseudo-elements
You can change the CSS slightly to increment the counter on the element itself, and only display the value in the pseudo-element.
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
counter-reset: ele;
* {
counter-increment: ele;
*::after {
content: "element count " counter(ele);
<h1> h1 </h1>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<p><b> b </b> p</p>
The example above doesn't quite work yet, because it doesn't increment the counter when going up a level. This is because the counter was already incremented when the element was opened, and closing the HTML and the BODY doesn't increment the counter anymore.
Workaround: count pseudo-elements and empty elements
Possible ways to fix it even better: Increment the counter in the ::after
after all, but add an extra piece of CSS that increments the counter for elements that don't have an ::after
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
counter-reset: ele;
/* Increment the counter in the '::after' of non-empty elements. */
/* And in the element itself for empty element.
List taken from */
counter-increment: ele;
*::after {
content: "element count " counter(ele);
<h1> h1 </h1>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<h2> h2 </h2>
<p><b> b </b> p</p>
Maybe it's not perfect for every scenario, but your question seems to be more academical anyway.
Anyway, I hope this explanation at least helps you understand why in your snippet those <br>
elements don't seem to have a counter at all.