
How to return JSON as a string object using nestable plugin?

My code is used to make a nestable drag and drop menu, and after changes are made using the drag-and-drop functionallity the JSON is written to a textarea. How can I return this string value to a variable instead of pusing it into the textarea?

Html code:

<textarea id="nestable-output"></textarea>

The jquery code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var updateOutput = function(e) {
        var list   = e.length ? e : $(e.target),
            output = list.data('output');   

        if (window.JSON) {

    // activate Nestable for list 1
        group: 1
    .on('change', updateOutput);

    // output initial serialised data to textarea


  • Remove this:


    Add this in its place:

    someGlobalVar = window.JSON.stringify(list.nestable('serialize'));

    And be sure to declare var someGlobalVar outside the function.