I am using ui-router and I have a configuration in which I am using a parent view which has a controller and child view which also have their own controllers. Each time I navigate to one of the child views, the parent controller is instantiated again and therefore performs unnecessary requests to the server. I want to be able to navigate between the child states and reuse the variables that were resolved by the parent controller.
How can I prevent the parent controller from being instantiated each time?
This is my routing config:
.state('researchLayoutEditor', {
url: '/research/:researchId/layoutEditor/:orderInGroup',
controller: 'layoutEditorController',
controllerAs: 'layoutEditorCtrl',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/layoutEditor.html',
redirectTo: 'researchLayoutEditor.slide',
params: {
group: 'A',
orderInGroup: '0'
resolve: {
researchLayout: function (researchesService, $stateParams) {
return researchesService.getResearchLayout($stateParams.researchId, false);
research: function (researchesService, $stateParams) {
return researchesService.getResearch($stateParams.researchId);
}).state('researchLayoutEditor.slide', {
url: '/textual',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/textSlide.html',
controller: 'textSlideController',
controllerAs: 'txtSlide'
}).state('researchLayoutEditor.movie', {
url: '/video',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/movieSlide.html',
controller: 'movieSlideController',
controllerAs: 'movieSlide',
resolve: {
movieCategories: function (utilsService) {
return utilsService.getVideoCategories();
}).state('researchLayoutEditor.memory', {
url: '/memory',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/memorySlide.html',
controller: 'memorySlideController',
controllerAs: 'memorySlide'
}).state('researchLayoutEditor.question', {
url: '/question',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/questionSlide.html',
controller: 'questionSlideController',
controllerAs: 'questionSlide'
And this is the HTML:
<div id="mainContent">
<!-- our nested state views will be injected here -->
<div ui-view class="inner-content"></div>
Well, after trying the most helpful way of debugging by elimination I found the problem which was the way I built the URL. IN my parent state, I had the URL defined like this:
url: '/research/:researchId/layoutEditor/:orderInGroup',
when the orderInGroup parameter changed on each click on the child state. So the final URL looked like this for example:
Apparently, after changing the location of the "orderInGroup" parameter and putting it to the end of the URL
and moving the
params: {
group: 'A',
orderInGroup: '0'
object to the child states as well, the issue was resolved. So the URL configuration that finally worked looked like this (I moved the /:orderInGroup to child state):
.state('researchLayoutEditor', {
url: '/research/:researchId/layoutEditor',
controller: 'layoutEditorController',
controllerAs: 'layoutEditorCtrl',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/layoutEditor.html',
redirectTo: 'researchLayoutEditor.slide'
.state('researchLayoutEditor.movie', {
url: '/video/:orderInGroup',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/movieSlide.html',
controller: 'movieSlideController',
controllerAs: 'movieSlide',
params: {
group: 'A',
orderInGroup: '0'
.state('researchLayoutEditor.slide', {
url: '/textual/:orderInGroup',
templateUrl: 'app/researchManagement/researchLayoutEditor/textSlide.html',
controller: 'textSlideController',
controllerAs: 'txtSlide',
params: {
group: 'A',
orderInGroup: '0'