
Does exist a ON_COMMAND_EX version accepting a function returning void?

I searched but I didn't found. I want a Message map macro that links the menu item command action to a function accepting the numeric ID and providing no return at all (being void).

ON_COMMAND returns void, but it is too limited, because it does not provide the menu item ID, which I need in this case.

ON_COMMAND_EX returns a BOOL, so it forces me to do a lot of returns, which would be unneeded if the return type was void.

So, as I described in first paragraph, is there such a macro?


  • I didn't found such a macro but I came with a solution: Define my own macro based on the definition of ON_COMMAND_EX, replacing BOOL by void.

    The ON_COMMAND_EX macro is:

    #define ON_COMMAND_EX(id, memberFxn) \
        { WM_COMMAND, CN_COMMAND, (WORD)id, (WORD)id, AfxSigCmd_EX, \
            (AFX_PMSG) \
            (static_cast< BOOL (AFX_MSG_CALL CCmdTarget::*)(UINT) > \
        (memberFxn)) },

    I've just copied and adapted it to my own purposes:

    #define ON_COMMAND_EX_VOID(id, memberFxn) \
        { WM_COMMAND, CN_COMMAND, (WORD)id, (WORD)id, AfxSigCmd_EX, \
            (AFX_PMSG) \
            (static_cast< void (AFX_MSG_CALL CCmdTarget::*)(UINT) > \
        (memberFxn)) },

    Notice the only two changes are the name of tha macro and change from BOOL to void

    To use it: On the message map, add something like


    Then declare the handler function on the header file: afx_msg void OnFilePreferencesVoid(UINT nID);

    And finally do the implementation on the source code file:

    void CMainFrame::OnFilePreferencesVoid(UINT nID)
        CString s;
        s.Format(_T("%d"), nID);

    Obviously, the code posted here is a theoretical example, as there are more useful things to do than display an already annoying popup message with an irritant resource ID.

    The inspiration for the solution came from ON_MESSAGE_VOID posted on