
Liferay document checkout/in permission

I am using Liferay 6.2 EE sp7 Tomcat bundle on Linux.

We have a use case for the normal regular users to upload, check in and out documents from the document and media portlet.

I see the Checkout and Check in options when I am logged in as a administrator but not as a regular user who is a site member with default permissions.

Question: Is there a way to turn on the Check out/in options for the regular users either with configuration via properties file or permssions etc.?

Steps I took:

As an administrator:

In a different browser:

I have researched portal properties, portlet permissions and the configuration option of the portlets above. I don't see anything that is hopeful or that works.

Please let me know if there is a work around or configuration I need to do turn this on.

Thanks a lot for the insight!


  • I've checked it on liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga5, but I think it can be similar in your version. You can set this permissions for "regular user" role (I set it for Power User role):

    Documents and Media Display > Document: Override Checkout 
    Documents and Media Display > Document: Update

    "Override Checkout" permission requires "Update" permission.

    After this checkout/checkin options are available for my non-admin user.