
Change name of zip when creating archive with distribution plugin in gradle

Is there any way to configure distribution file name when creating archive using distribution plugin in gradle?

Here is my build.gradle (I'm using gradle 2.10) file:

apply plugin: 'distribution'
version '1.2'

distributions {
  custom {
    baseName = 'someName'
    contents {...}

And calling the task customDistZip creates file: $buildDir/distributions/ I would like to have a file name configurd to: (without version number).

My workaround for this is to create new task to rename the zip file after creation and use gradle finalizedBy feature:

task renameDist {
  doLast {
    new File("$buildDir/distributions/someName-${project.version}.zip")
customDistZip.finalizedBy renameDist

But this don't look like elegant and nice solution.


  • You can either do:


    to set the version string used with baseName to empty or


    to set the full archive filename, which skips basename alltogether.