
User rights needed for IIS 7.5 application pool user (domain user, not the AppPoolIdentity)

We have an active directory domain (let's call it foodomain) and a domain user account (foodomain\fooAppPoolUser) used for the IIS application pool identity.

We want to run the app pool under this user account and not under Network Service or the new AppPoolIdentity as we have to access SQL server and have multiple applications on IIS (with own app pools) accessing different databases.

The problem is that I can't find a clear HOW-TO explaining, which user rights have to be set for this user account and how IIS has to be setup so that this will work.

First I got errors (unfortunately I can't remember which ones), then I added fooAppPoolUser to the local admin group (Administrators, I know, was only to test), then it worked. Now I removed the user again, restarted IIS and it still works.

So I'm confused a bit and would like to know, how the configuration/setup has to be to have it working.

Somwhere I read, that the account needs to have the "Impersonate a client after authentication" user right. That's the reason I added the account to the Admin group (the user rights assignment is blocked via group policy, but this can for sure be changed if really needed.

I hope I was clear enough what the question is and hope somebody has an answer.


  • It's frustrating that this information is so hard to find, since some security admins seem to enjoy the cruel and unusual punishment of changing default policy settings to thwart installing apps within IIS.

    Here's what I believe you should do to enable an account to work as an ApplicationPool identity:

    Fun reading: