
Bridging Header File can't find an imported Objective-C project

I'm trying to import this library (SCRecorder) into my Swift project using the "Bridging Header File" method. But I really can't make it work. When I try to build the project, I get the following error :

error: 'SCRecorder/SCRecorder.h' file not found 
#import <SCRecorder/SCRecorder.h>

Here is the content of my bridging header file :

#ifndef Project_Bridging_Header_h
#define Project_Bridging_Header_h

#import <SCRecorder/SCRecorder.h>


And here is my project structure :

enter image description here

Of course I have added the reference to the Bridging Header File in my Build Settings. I'm almost sure it's just a path issue... But after some hours spent on this, I really can't find a solution.


EDIT : Instead of importing the project directly, I have added it with the CocoaPods method, and I get a new error :

library not found for -lSCRecorder


  • OK. I figured it out. I just didn't use the *.xcworkspace project after installing pods... After opening my project with this file, everything works well, as expected.

    Thanks for your help, especially @kaizoku for suggesting me to use this file.