
JW Player 6 Plugin for Wordpress edit jwplayer.js for white background

I have:

I have fixed a few things, which are:

The CSS code looks like this:

margin-bottom: -11px;

The Problem - Black bars / background

Solution After reading endless sites and posts I have determined that I need to edit:

As stated in this post Video embed background color

I have searched the plugin folder jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress bit I cannot find these files. I assume they are being called from a remote server, are they? I have even search all the code for background-color etc using Notepad++, nothing comes up.

Does anyone know how to change video embed background color using the plugin?

Here's the code used in WP for the video:

[jwplayer player='2' abouttext='test' aboutlink='' primary='html5' image='/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/test.jpg' jwplayer sources="{ file:'/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/test.webm' },{ file:'/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/test.mp4' }"]


  • As you are using WebM and MP4 media types, the player should be rendering in HTML5 mode - as per the "primary" setting.

    Given this, you should be able to target the player using CSS and override the background color:
